The money treatment systems

Discover with us what the best money treatment systems are and what they are

what are money treatment systemIf you are wondering what the money treatment systems are you are in the right place. In fact, in this article we will not only explain it to you, but we will also try to understand why for some people they are indispensable since money processing machines simplify and speed up some operations that they have to perform daily even more than once.

What are money treatment systems?

Speaking of money processing, as you can easily imagine, means talking about coins, banknotes, checks, safes and more.

For money treatment systems we mean all those systems that will help you in having to deal mostly with coins and banknotes. In particular we refer to all the operations that are necessary from the moment, especially if you are a business owner, you must count and divide banknotes and coins. An activity that is very important since you could run into false notes or coins. Note counter and money detector machines will also help you in this, in fact, thanks to the most sophisticated technologies, they are able to understand whether fake cash is present among the money they have processed. In this way, not only will you be able to limit your losses, but you will be able to promptly report the fact to the competent authorities, repairing yourself from trouble and perhaps making a decisive contribution to bringing the wrongdoers to justice. If you are interested, here you can find the money detector.

Why do I need money processing systems?

coin sorter and bill counter

As we have just mentioned, the reasons why you may need money processing systems are the most disparate even if perhaps among the main users of these particular machines there is precisely who owns a business. Alongside this type of people there are undoubtedly people who deal with cash very often, such as bank operators or post offices.

Think, for example, if you were in the place of one of the people we listed above: would you ever want to count and divide the coins manually depending on the value they have? How much time should you spend doing this job which, although simple, is incredibly boring? Without considering the fact that it is not only a tedious task but also a task where maximum concentration is needed since the slightest mistake implies that you have to start over again.

Finally, there is also a hygienic question: in fact money is known, at best, to be passed from hand to hand … without dwelling too much on improper uses to which it may have been subjected and consequently also to improper places where it can to have been stored.

That being said, do you still need to understand why you need a coin sorter?

money treatment system - count banknoteMoney processing systems recognize counterfeit notes and coins

Despite the recent data on banknotes and counterfeit coins in circulation are reassuring since they are diminishing them, the danger that you may run into one of them is real. In fact, in 2018, according to the Bank of Italy, around 54000 fake banknotes have been circulated, most of which are 20 and 50 € banknotes.

To recognize them, tricks based on our senses such as touch and sight will not suffice. In fact, you will not always be able to recognize on the fly a different quality of paper, the face of Europe in transparency, the notes on banknotes or the other methods of which we speak in the article on How to recognize counterfeit banknotes.

Only a bill counter with banknote detector is able to do this without any margin of error based precisely on the most modern recognition technologies which usually also use extremely precise balances and UV light.

Guaranteed certification and many other functions

Money processing machines also offer you more than just a simple counterfeit banknote and coin recognition.

However, it seems appropriate to specify that in general this type of devices, due to the importance of the task they are about to perform, is normally certified by both the National Central Banks and the European Central Bank. Such certification guarantees the conformity of the appliance to the standards recognized at European level, standards that are indispensable to efficiently manage a commercial activity and that are present for all the money processing machines.

Furthermore, technology has made great strides and the same machines are not just for this but are also able to: classify and separate the different types of coins and show the partial and total value. In some models of these money treatment systems it is also possible to print and store the operations performed through a thermal printer, to which the device can be connected.

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